3 Alternatives To ADD Meds

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most commonly diagnosed illnesses in the United States, yet it still to this day remains highly misunderstood. The symptoms are relatively vague, especially for younger patients. Moreover, high diagnosis has been the catalyst to high prescription of medications designed to keep patients focused, but at what cost? That’s not to say there is never a time in which a drug designed for treating attention disorders is appropriate. However, when it comes to medication, it’s usually best to reserve medication as a last resort. Many parents all across the nation are opting to medicate their children all too early. If you have a child who may or may not be struggling with ADHD, but you’re not quite ready to put him or her on a drug to which he could be dependent indefinitely, there are alternatives, and they work more often than you think.

Neurofeedback Video Game

We still have a long way to go with understanding the intricacies of brain chemistry. But neurofeedback suggests that we’re definitely moving in the right directions. This is like a game that you play with only your brain. It’s designed to help balance the attention. It will keep your kid engaged, and it has been known to produce remarkably positive results. This is a technology that has been around for years, and could quite possibly advance quite a bit in the future.


Eating poorly doesn’t just affect you physically. It also hurts you mentally. And whatever it does to you, you can multiply by a hundred and that’s what poor diet does to your kid. By teaching your child to eat well early in life, he or she will be far more likely to have better habits and better attention all throughout life. What qualifies as a good diet? High protein is always a good bet. Also, if you lower your child’s carbohydrate intake you will notice a change in no time. By keeping your kid on an even blood-sugar level, you’ll be helping his or her concentration tremendously. In addition to eating well, it’s important to encourage your child not to eat poorly.

Tutoring Services Manhattan

This is perhaps the most useful and positive alternative to medication that you will come across. By allowing your child to meet with a private NYC tutor, you’ll be ensuring that he or she learns better study habits, better organization skills, and a great capacity to concentrate on the immediate task at hand. Above all else, good attention comes from good habits. The more time reserved at an early age to practicing those habits, the easier they will be to follow later. Parents everywhere are beginning to realize that using a private tutor is an investment for your child, and it will be pay off in a great way in the many prosperous and fulfilling years to come.

Want to learn more about why Big Apple Tutoring is the tutoring services Manhattan company that can change your child’s life forever? Give us a call today at 212-479-0830 to learn more about our services.

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