4 Perks To Homeschooling In NYC With A Tutor

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Are you dissatisfied with the public school options for your child? Are you ready to explore new options? Finding the right tutor for homeschooling in NYC could be the perfect solution. Here are a few reasons why.

1. You’ll have more control over the curriculum

Education at a young age is an integral part of a child’s development. For that reason, you want to ensure that your child receives the education that will best equip him or her for success later in life. Whether that means adjusting social studies to focus more on non-European nations, spending an extra amount of time on word problems and critical thinking and less on algebra, or any variety of other small adjustments, with homeschooling services you’ll have the liberty to do so. And by hiring a tutor to work with your child, you’ll have the approval of an education professional to ensure that the changes are benefiting, rather than limiting your child’s development.

2. Your child will have the privilege of a more flexible schedule

A school day is exhausting. It can be even more demanding than an average work day. And then, after 8 hours of class time, students have to go home and do even more work. Have you ever thought that maybe your child could learn more if he had a bit more time to relax and digest the information he or she is learning? By homeschooling your child, the tutor will have the liberty of adapting to your child’s energy and focus. If it seems that the day is getting long and tiring or distracting your child, the tutor can switch to a more hands on approach, or elect to take a break.

3. Studies found that homeschooled students score better in standardized testing

Albeit, one’s ability to navigate a bubble test is not what determines one’s ability to succeed in life. That is certain. But, it is one of the most decisive factors in a college application, which quite possibly could determine the trajectory of your child’s future. So if you want to maximize the possibility of your child scoring high enough to get into a top university, homeschooling in NYC could be the secret ingredient.

4. Believe it or not, homeschooling could actually improve your child’s social skills

One of the greatest concerns about homeschooling is that your child will suffer socially. Many argue that the time children spend with peers of the same age is crucial to a healthy development. But with the right tutor, one can easily circumvent this concern and actually help your child’s social skills. By interacting more with adults on a regular basis, your child can learn to approach social scenarios more maturely. But if you choose to homeschool your child, you should make a point to also make sure that he or she participates in extracurricular activities with other children of his or her age.

If you’d like to learn more about homeschooling in NYC, contact Big Apple Tutoring by calling 212-479-0830.

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