4 Step Guide To Convincing Your Kids To Do Their Homework

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It’s natural to believe that in order for your child to do well in life, he or she must do well in school. And in order to do well in school, he or she must do his or her homework. You’re within your rights to believe as much. However, the ends to the means are not so obvious. Within the infinite abyss of misconceptions about parenting is the notion that parents should force their children to do their homework. But no matter how strict or stern you may be, forcing the issue will only land you on the losing end of a battle for power. Instead, you should find a way to convince your kid to want to do it. Brought to you by one of the best tutoring companies NYC has to offer, here’s how you can do it.

Be A Facilitator Instead Of A Dictator

Rules are meant to be broken. As soon as you make a rule, your child will automatically feel tempted to violate it. As soon as you look the other way, your child will toss the homework to the side and flip on the TV. Instead, check in and guide your child to make the right decision independently.

Learn From Past Successes And Failures

Every kid develops a bit differently. It’s your duty as a parent to figure out what kinds of methods motivate your child most effectively. At one point or another, you may recall your child eagerly buckling down and investing full energy and attention to doing a homework assignment. What was it about that time that got your child so fired up?

Stop Arguing

Each time you enter conflict with your child you distance yourself from him or her. If you really want your kid to listen to you, you need to convince him or her that you are on the same side. All too often, parents allow one conflict to lead into another. Before you know it, you’re at odds with your child on a nightly basis. Today’s the day you put an end to the bickering and call a truce.

Maintain Self Control And Take A Moment If Needed

Kid’s are tough. They don’t know what’s best for them but they also don’t have any interest in you telling them what to do. It’s a Rubik’s cube that isn’t cracked in a day. Naturally, you will eventually reach your wit’s end and you’ll want to lose your temper. We all have limits to our patience. A good parent must be aware of this fact and know when to make distance when you feel yourself testing those limits.

This is a starting point and of course it’s easier said than done. You also don’t want to be the most lenient parent in the world to the point where your child feels he or she has no obligation whatsoever to homework. Finding a balance is a matter of experience and you will surely find it in time. But with a bit of help from the best tutoring companies NYC services, you can make the learning curve a lot easier for you and your child. Learn more about Manhattan tutoring services by calling Big Apple Tutoring at 212-479-0830.

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