How to Fight Procrastination- One on One Tutor Manhattan

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one on one tutor manhattan

As a student, there are many factors that determine whether you will be successful or not in class.  For instance, do you need to work on your math skills, your reading comprehension, or even your test taking skills?  Everyone has a different personal challenge, and for many it is procrastination.  That’s why we´re providing tips on how to fight procrastination.


Eliminate Distractions

For some, this is the hardest challenge that they face when they try to study.  When they have their phone, laptop, TV, or friends with them, it makes it really hard to focus.  If you know that you face the same problem, then you need to prioritize eliminating these distractions and creating a productive work space.


Give Yourself Deadlines 

You most likely have deadlines for when assignments or projects are due in class.  That being said, if they’re due in a week, two weeks, or even a month, then you may be tempted to wait until the last minute to do it.  That’s why you should have a personal deadline for yourself.  For instance, if you have a month to do a project, give yourself goals for each week so that you don’t have to rush to do it the night before.


Work When You Feel Most Efficient

Everyone is different – it’s important to just listen to your body.  Some people may work best at night.  Other people are more alert and can focus better in the morning.  If you know you can’t focus at night, then get a good night’s sleep and get your work done in the morning.


Ask for Help When You Need It

One of the resources you have available to you is a one-on-one tutor in Manhattan.  The advantage of private tutors is that all of their attention is on you, meaning they can help you in whatever you need.  When you go to tutoring, you’ll also be motivated to get your work done, and they will help you reach your deadlines.


If your procrastination is hurting your grades, reach out to us at Big Apple Tutoring.  Our one-on-one tutors in Manhattan will assist you in anything that you need help with.

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