Learn During Summer Break – Online Tutoring Manhattan

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online tutoring Manhattan

If you have kids, then you know how excited they are to enjoy their summer break.  They’ve been looking forward to this moment all year!  The only downside, however, is that when their summer break is over, they aren’t ready to go back to school.  In fact, teachers say that students often return months behind where they were when they ended the school year.  To prevent this from happening, you should encourage your kid to continue learning during their summer break.  Here are some ways to do so.  (Related topics: online tutoring Manhattan)



Reading will keep your child’s mind engaged and moving forward towards the next school year.  Even if they only read for 30 minutes every other day, it’s still a great exercise for their brain.  To get them interested in their book, let them choose one that interests them.


Science Experiments

There are many fun science experiments that you can do with your children.  In fact, many times they won’t even realize that they’re learning since they’re having so much fun.   If you’re not sure what experiment to do, you can find many ideas online.


Educational Outings

There are so many places that you can go that encourage learning.  For example, you can take your children to the zoo and have them read the signs and answer questions about each animal.  You can even go to the museum, aquarium, or any other event that inspires them.


Go Camping

If your little ones love nature, consider taking them on a fun family weekend.  During this time, ask them to point out different animals and plants that they see.  This is also a great opportunity to show them how to set up a tent, start a fire, and learn basic survival skills.


Art Projects

This is a great way to encourage your kid to be creative.  They’ll be able to experiment with different art mediums and learn about different techniques.  Whether it’s painting, drawing, ceramics, or even photography, they’ll have a great time doing it.


Encouraging your kid to learn during summer break is a great way to ease them into the new school year.  If they need help transitioning back into the classroom, they can also go to online tutoring Manhattan.

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