How To Ace Your Next Essay For Literature Class

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English class is where students learn to think critically and organize their thoughts in such a way that’s productive and forward thinking. Essay writing provides students the tools they need to develop an informed point of view, and to accurately and articulately communicate that point of view with evidence. Healthy and measured communication is like a prerequisite for developing one’s problem solving skills. And the ability and proactive desire to solve problems is among the top characteristics that employers across all industries are looking for. That’s why learning to master the skills one needs to ace an English class essay will not only lead to a higher GPA, but also a wider range of opportunities for employment in the years to come. Big Apple Tutoring is a top private tutoring NYC company. Here’s our guide to acing your next paper.

Tip 1: Discuss what you want to say before you write it

Talking over your understanding of a piece of literature will help you organize your thoughts. This helps identify where you may have missed something integral to your central argument. Not only does this give you another person’s perspective, but also the opportunity to say your argument out loud. Speaking with peers, parents, teachers, and/or tutors will help you immensely.

Tip 2: An outline will ultimately save you time

Despite generations of teachers having said it countless times, the value of the essay outline before writing remains one of the most difficult concepts for young people to genuinely accept. The sooner you recognize the importance of planning ahead, the fewer rewrites you will end up having to work through.

Tip 3: Never forget the point you’re trying to make

Always remember that the reason you’re writing this paper is to prove a point. Every sentence you write should be in service of proving your argument. A summary of events is only appropriate in so much as it is instrumental to proving your thesis statement.If you find yourself summarizing points that aren’t relevant to the central argument, you risk losing your reader’s interest. This can result in a lower grade.

Tip 4: Keep it brief

You want to be as clear and concise as possible. The purpose of an essay is to make an argument. A good rule of thumb is to aim to keep your sentences under twenty words. You don’t have to follow this as law. But if you notice that over half of your sentences exceed twenty words, that should be a sign. It means you may want to rework some of them to get to the point faster.

Big Apple Tutoring not only offers private tutoring NYC services for essay writing, but also for mathematics, science, and history for students of all levels and ages. Many of our tutors are Ivy League graduates. To learn more about our services, give us a call today at 212-479-0830.

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