Adding Mindfulness to the Academic Curriculum

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In today’s world, the emphasis we place on mental health is greater than ever – and with good reason. Managing our mental well-being is a fundamental aspect of living optimal lives. It’s amazing (and simultaneously unfortunate) how often we take our health – both physical and mental – for granted. There are home tutoring Manhattan services that take all aspects of health into account to ensure your child can learn at his or her best.

It’s not a surprise that mindfulness practices are becoming more and more popular. Think of how chaotic our lives are in various settings throughout the day. Much of the research on mindfulness is still in the early stages. But doesn’t it seem like good common sense to take a moment – or six – to emotionally remove ourselves from the world? Batteries need to recharge, and so do humans.

An especially important environment where this should be looked at is in schools. Children are constantly being stimulated with new information. When do they have time to process what they are learning? Some might say recess, but this is just additional stimulation – physical stimulation. (And it’s unrealistic to believe that a child will process information from class during a time to play.)


Relaxing the body and quieting the mind – we accomplish this through mindful breathing exercises that allow us to get in touch with ourselves on a deeper emotional level. Studies have shown that teaching students about feelings increase academic success. Taking two to three minutes at the start of each class can serve students with incredible social, psychological, and physiological benefits.

Children who learn how to self-regulate will experience lower levels of stress not just in the classroom, but in their home life and extracurricular activities, as well. Research has shown that other benefits include improved sleeping patterns, lower symptoms of depression, increased attention, and fewer behavioral problems – the list goes on. Taking moments to be mindful should start with every class.


A school in Baltimore, Robert W. Coleman Elementary, created an outlet for students who misbehave. Instead of sending students to detention, they go to the Mindful Moment Room – a place where students learn to breathe and collect their thoughts. The results have been very positive, with increased attendance and decreased suspension. Findings also show that students are bringing the meditative practices they learn back to their homes. How incredible to incorporate positive reinforcement in restructuring discipline for students’ misbehaviors. The program was created with a nonprofit organization based in Baltimore called Holistic Life Foundation.

The classroom isn’t the only place to utilize these practices. Use home tutoring Manhattan services for your child to get the most out of mindfulness right from home.

For exclusive and handpicked home tutors for every level, call Big Apple Tutoring LLC in New York City at (212) 479-0830.

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