4 Home-Schooling Top Tips

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Home-schooling has become an ever increasing trend, with parents opting for the less traditional way of educating their child. Some parents find that their child achieves more when following the national curriculum isn’t compulsory. Find out how Big Apple Tutoring and their homeschool tutors Manhattan, can help your child achieve the grades they deserve.

Parents don’t need to be teachers or even have teaching experience to homeschool their children. Plus, there are plenty of private tutors out there, helping to stimulate the subjects your child is really interested in. At times home-schooling can be brilliant, but there are other times when it can be extremely challenging and even a little daunting.

Below are 4 top tips provided by Big Apple Tutoring for helping parents make the entire home-schooling process run smoother:


Patience is a key feature that goes hand-in-hand with home-schooling. Home-schooling efficiently and successfully will take time for both yourself and your child. It’s encouraged to try new methods and techniques that might benefit the progression of your child. If these new approaches do not necessarily work for you both, having the patience to persevere is the true factor of success.

It’s completely natural that your child will grasp some things faster than others hence why patience is very important. You should always praise your child with their efforts and if they are struggling, find a different method to explain it. You should always ensure that your child feels comfortable enough with a subject before deciding to move on. A private tutor is the perfect solution for many of the problems parents face when home-schooling. Should your child be struggling with certain subjects, requires more stimulation to learn or craves extra help on specific areas, then a tutor is your answer.

Contact Other Home-Schoolers

Home-schooling is commonly associated with loneliness and unsociability but it doesn’t have to be like that. Across the country there are home-schooling communities, which offer parents the opportunity to get together and discuss success stories. Furthermore they can plan joint lessons, days out and meet like-minded individuals focused on home-schooling.

Being a social individual is an important factor of growing up. Children will always need other children of a similar age to interact with and socialize. It’s advisable to join a few different groups and meet people that are also home-schooling their children.

Understand Your Child’s Learning Style

Understanding your child’s learning style is a vital component to a happy learning environment. Learning styles play a key part in how your home-schooling journey will go and understanding your child’s preferences will make their progress successful.

Whether your child is an auditory, visual or kinesthetic learner, understanding how they learn best will give you the perfect lessons to teach them. Listen to what your child enjoys and doesn‘t enjoy and be sure to act upon their feedback.

Be Creative

Undoubtedly, one of the best benefits of home-schooling is that there are no real rules to follow. You have all the freedom in the world to decide what your child will learn and how you will try to teach them.

Another huge advantage of home-schooling is that you can choose to be as creative as you want. There are literally no boundaries with your creativeness as there are no official rules to follow in home-schooling. Having a budget will allow you and your child to immerse yourselves in new activities. Get help from your child by planning trips together. With home-schooling the world is in the palm of your hands so use your imagination as freely as possible. Visit forests and beaches, fire-stations, take long trips to places your child has never been and join support groups. The possibilities are endless and with some attentive planning and a bunch of creativity, learning and home-schooling can be a truly marvelous experience.

To conclude, Big Apple Tutoring offers a variety of tutoring and home-schooling services across New York. Find out how their homeschool tutors Manhattan, can give you and your child the support you need in order to succeed.

Give them a call today on 212-479-0830.

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