How To Build Self Confidence In Your Adolescent Child

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There are two very important phases in life. The first is what we first part ways with our childhood and enter into adolescence. All of a sudden, a child has to worry about the opposite sex, being cool, all while maintaining passing grades in school. It’s at this phase of life when children suddenly become hyper self-aware and begin constantly making comparisons with their peers. Between the years of 9 and 14, researchers have seen some of sharpest drops in self confidence. What’s most unfortunate is that usually those comparisons are far from the truth.  We were all 13 at one point in our lives. And anyone who’s made it through those years can recognize that it can be quite the confusing time.

The second most common point in a person’s life when self confidence can be adversely affected is when a teenager must part ways with his or her adolescence. Now all of a sudden, the stakes are much higher, and it’s time to start thinking about the real world. At no point prior to this phase in a 18 to 23 year old’s life has academic performance ever mattered so much. Not to mention that this is the phase when most people in the United States leave their parents’ home to discover their independence.

Change is weird and confusing and exciting, all wrapped into one. For some, it can be so overwhelming that they reach a breaking point and stop trying. This can happen in both of the phases mentioned above, and it is known to slow a person’s development. A lack of confidence can follow a person late into his or her professional life. It’s your responsibility to ensure that that doesn’t happen to your child. But that doesn’t have to be story for your child. With the right guidance, your child can build confidence instead of have it broken down piece by piece by the trials and challenges of adolescence and early adulthood.

It all starts with surrounding your child with the right influences. That’s not just referring to the “crowd’ your child hangs around. We’re referring more to your child’s time away from friends, when he or she is open to guidance. This partially depends on you as a parent, but it also depends largely on the other influences you want your child to have.

That’s where we come in. Big Apple Tutoring will not only boost your child’s grades. We will boost your child’s confidence, performance, and ambitions. With the help of one of the top tutoring agencies in NYC, you are sure to see the opposite of what the average, discouraged teenager. You will see your child flourish above his/her peers and compete to be the best.

Want to learn more about how Big Apple Tutoring will work its magic and transform your child into a happy, successful young man or woman? Give us a call pronto at 212-479-0830 and we’ll explain it all to you step by step. Get registered today!

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