5 Important Traits A Successful Tutor Should Have

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Tutoring is an often much needed addition to a child’s education and learning program, however it comes with great responsibility. A private tutor is hired in order to support a student in any areas they may struggle with. For a private tutor Manhattan, get in touch with Big Apple Tutoring! A leading New York City agency is sure to help your child’s development in a number of ways. As well as providing academic support a tutor should also:

  • Encourage progress
  • Communicate clearly with parents
  • Work closely with the student while building a strong relationship
  • Offer exam tips
  • Build a student’s confidence
  • Provide students with the opportunity to ask questions


A good tutor should not only have a great knowledge on their given subject, but should also assist a student in reaching their full potential.

Big Apple Tutoring provides both parents and students with the best possible tutor depending on their needs. Big Apple Tutoring has come up with what they believe to be the five most important skills a tutor should obtain.

The Lessons Are Relevant and Engaging

Any good tutor should be an expert in their academic subject, which allows them to customize each lesson to the student’s needs. They can customize the lessons using relevant content whilst incorporating real-life examples. Evidence shows us that students get a lot more from a lesson that uses real-life scenarios as it helps them relate to their own life. If a lesson is relevant and engaging the student’s interest will be higher, allowing them to learn more in a lesser time. An excellent tutor will allow a student to express their own opinions about certain topics.

Focuses On The Students Needs

A good tutor should tailor each individual lesson with clear goals in place. A common method is starting with the easier tasks building up to some more challenging activities. If a tutor is to set the bar too high, this can often have a negative effect as students feel incapable and frustrated.

A successful tutor should set manageable goals that a student is capable of achieving. This is imperative to the success of a student’s progress.

Adopts A Professional Manner

It’s absolutely vital that a tutor acts thoroughly professional when working with students. Handling students information should always be handled with the strictest of confidence. While remembering a student’s progress is the most important thing, teachers and students should encourage one another to build relationships. Any successful tutor should be friendly and confident with students while acting professionally and coherently with parents.

Communicates Clearly With Parents

Tutoring isn’t simply a matter of attending a lesson, but also offering feedback every step of the way. It’s imperative that a tutor communicates clearly with parents, ensuring their targets and expectations are being met. More often than not, a successful tutor will communicate on a regular basis with a student’s parents, whereas an average tutor will not.

Parents can be very helpful for a tutor as they understand their child better than anyone. A parent can offer an insight into a student’s characteristics and learning styles. This helps a tutor greatly as they can better understand their student’s needs. Feedback with parents can be in the form of a weekly chat or a follow-up email detailing the students’ progress. Feedback is vital for any parent as it allows them the opportunity to encourage their child’s learning before their next lesson.

Flexibility and Patience

Two of the most important traits any successful tutor should have are the ability to be flexible, as well as being a patient individual. Being a flexible tutor means they are willing to adjust their teaching techniques in order to benefit their student.

Patience is equally as important to become a successful tutor. The ability to understand that certain subjects can be more difficult than others is vital. Every student varies and the time taken to grasp a subject differs by individual. A good tutor will never show annoyance, but instead be willing to explain things in more detail. An excellent tutor should be happy explaining and offering more detail, until a student grasps the subject completely.

A great tutor is often the helping hand your child needs to ensure a bright academic future. When hiring a tutor you should always look for signs that can maximize your child’s full potential. Big Apple Tutoring is an experienced and dedicated agency putting your child’s progress at the forefront of everything. If you or your child is interested in a private tutor Manhattan, get in touch with Big Apple Tutoring today!

Call them now on 1-212-479-0830.

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