How To Know You Chose The Right Tutor For Your Child

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Learning is a slow process. Sometimes it isn’t so easy to tell in the short term whether or not it’s actually happening. So to make your job as a parent a little bit easier, here are a few indicators to let you know you’ve chosen the best private tutoring NYC services for your child.

Is The Child Learning?

If you employ someone to spend an hour a day with your child, naturally you’ll want them to get along. As a parent, that makes perfect sense. But that’s only half the battle. It’s important to remember that just because someone’s good with kids, that doesn’t make him or her an effective tutor. While the ability to build a rapport with students is an important aspect of being a tutor, the skill-set for tutoring goes far beyond the ability to make a child laugh. Remember that the purpose of these private tutoring sessions is so that your child has the opportunity to learn.

Is The Tutor Providing Alternative Explanations Of Difficult Concepts?

If a student is struggling with a course, the reason is likely to be due to his or her not understanding parts of it conceptually. It also means that whatever explanation, or series of explanations, the teacher provided in class have not sufficed. It’s the tutor’s job to recognize where the confusion is and to find a way to communicate these concepts to the student in terms that he or she will understand. That requires a masterful understanding of the concept and the ability to simplify it to the extent that the student can not only repeat the tutor’s words back, but can understand it to the extent that he or she can apply it using critical thinking.

Does The Tutor Understand The Teacher’s Explanations Well Enough To Adapt Them?

It is equally as valuable for a tutor to be able to provide access to a new approach to a concept as it is for the tutor to be able to make sure the student understands it from the teacher’s vision. Curriculums follow a certain order for a reason. To break from this order could come back to haunt the student later on. So it’s important to keep in mind that whatever alternative approaches the tutor provides should be in pursuit of the student understanding concepts as the teacher had intended.

Is The Tutor Giving Easy-To-Understand Examples?

In order to fully retain new material, one must see it in action. How do these concepts apply to the material world? A good tutor will prepare a series of examples to help the student visualize the material more effectively. In addition to visualizing it, the student will likely also develop some motivation, as he or she will finally be able to see why it is important to learn.

We want to tell you all about why Big Apple Tutoring is the number 1 private tutoring NYC company. Give us a call today at 212-479-0830 schedule an appointment.

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