How Laptops Are Damaging The Classroom Experience

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The digital age has changed us in a profound way. No longer do children play in the sand with a stick. Instead, they stare at a screen displaying a sandbox and swipe their fingers furiously to achieve virtual goals. And it’s not just in our youth that we see this change. As adults, we find ourselves hopelessly addicted to Facebook and Instagram. And teenagers no longer require the use of a notebook and pen to take notes in class. Instead, practically all students from middle school all the way up through grad school stare at laptops instead of blackboards.

Computers Are (Too) Incredible

Computers are extraordinary. More so with each year. They open the doors to all sorts of communication and luxuries that for students of generations past were never remotely possible. Additionally, they save paper, which saves trees. And in a densely overpopulated world of some 7 billion human beings, our natural resources are more precious than ever. Perhaps most importantly, the mobile devices of the now are just really attractive. Today’s technology has a certain gravity that seems irresistible. So much so that it’s hard to pull your eyes away.

Computers Are Distracting

But should our students really be using them in class? Is that really the most effective means of our students learning and mastering the material we’re teaching them? Research is beginning to suggest the answer to that question is a resounding no. Why? Above all, because they’re just too much fun. Laptops and tablets quite are extremely distracting, even to the most focused students. The temptation to scroll through Facebook intermittently between the teacher’s shouting for everyone to pay attention.

Sometimes Slower Is Better

Studies also found that while typing is faster, writing converts to more retention of information. That’s due in part to the fact that writing is a slower process. As a result, you force your brain to think a bit more critically about what you’re converting to the page. As opposed to just frantically typing verbatim what the teacher says without really giving any thought to what it means. Instead, you have to think critically and select the most relevant information as the speaker delivers it to you.

Build Your Multitasking Skills

Moreover, forcing your brain to continue following what the teacher says while jotting down in an organized manner what he or she previously had said is a healthy mental exercise. It can help with multitasking, which is a skills in and of itself, arguably even more valuable than the information of the course.

Big Apple Tutoring offers the best tutors NYC services. We operate all throughout the New York City area, assisting students of all ages to be their best. We specialize in all academic subjects of all levels from pre-kindergarten all the way up through master’s programs. Our tutors are graduates of the best Ivy league universities in the country. And we’re eager to help you, your peers, or your children attain a higher academic experience than ever before.

For more information, give our office a call at 212-479-0830.

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