3 Steps To Staying Motivated Before The Holidays

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One On One Tutor Manhattan

November has arrived. You can almost smell that delicious turkey stuffing waiting for you at the end of the month. But you’re not there yet. And that’s an important factor to keep in mind. As tempting as it may be to daydream your way through the rest of your classes. That kind of attitude simply will not suffice. At the end of this month will be exams and essays with your name at the top. You wish they’d go away until you could rediscover your motivation. If only you could figure out a way evade the onslaught awaiting you at the doorstep of Thanksgiving you’d be fine.

Well we have a bit of good news and some not so good news. We’ll start with the latter. You’re tired. Burned out. And salivating for cranberry sauce and broccoli supreme. You and every other student throughout the country is undergoing this same struggle. The unfortunate truth is that those exams aren’t going anywhere. And they don’t much care if you’re tired. They’ll be waiting for you with the keys to your holiday dinner. And they won’t be any easier than any of the other exams you’ve taken this school year. That’s the cold hard truth. And the sooner you come to terms with it, the easier a time you’ll have on the day of the test.

The good news is that the biggest barrier standing in your way is yourself. While the final stretch of any race is always the hardest, it’s also the most important. And the best way to endure exhaustion is preparation. Motivation in the face of adversity and distraction is the product of built up discipline and good habits. If you want to stay on top of things so that you can go into the holidays with your head up high, follow these X easy steps.

Use To-Do Lists

Sometimes it’s better not to think about the turkey. Put that tastiness aside for now and focus on the task at hand. Of course, that’s easier said than done. But the most effective tool for keeping yourself focused is with to-do lists. This will force you settle into an attainable goal. And once it’s finished, you’ll feel good about yourself. And this will translate into you wanting to keep that momentum moving. Each time you check something off, you’ll know that you’ve accomplished something. And with that reinforcement, you can put your restless out of your mind.

Treat Yourself After Each Achievement

Sometimes, just a check on a piece of paper isn’t quite enough. So depending on how big of a task it is, you should reward yourself with something of that same gravity. For example, if you’ve just studied for three hours straight, you deserve an hour watching your favorite series. If you spend a half hour reviewing your notes, go ahead and grab a snack before you move onto the next chapter.

Don’t forget the end goal

There’s nothing wrong with creating short term goals to keep yourself moving on a rewards system. Checklists work wonders for the easily distracted. However, equally important are the long term goals. Whenever you don’t feel like doing your homework, or giving your all while studying, just remember that your lack of effort will reflect in your performance come test time.

These are the kinds of organizational skills that will land you the scores that you truly deserve. But sometimes, it’s not that easy to motivate yourself on your own. Part of becoming a sound and productive member of society means learning how to work well with others and learn from those who know more. In your case, that means seeking out the guidance of a one on one tutor Manhattan service like Big Apple Tutoring.

For more information, or to register for our services, give us a call at 212-479-0830.

One On One Tutor Manhattan

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