Online tutoring manhattan: What Every Parent Should Know About Their Child’s Tutoring

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online tutoring manhattan

Whether a student is struggling with their grades or their parents just want them to challenge themselves more, tutoring is a great resource.  When your children start attending, however, you’ll want to make sure that the tutoring is working for your child, which is why we’re going to identify the things that every parent should know about their child’s tutoring sessions.


What Was Covered in the Lesson

To start, many parents want to know what was covered during the tutoring lesson.  This will let them know whether or not their child was able to finish their homework, if the tutor answered all of the student’s questions, and what other activities they did.


Positive Feedback

Tutors should take the time to let parents know what areas their child is improving in.  Not only is it encouraging, but it lets them know what strategies work.  For instance, maybe using a more hand-on approach is helping your child learn better.  This is important to know so that the parent can also help with their success.


Areas for Improvement

Our tutors are also very honest about what areas your child needs to improve on.  For instance, if the child still isn’t grasping chemistry, then it lets the parents know that they need to continue focusing on that area.  You and the tutors can even work together to figure out what works best for the student.  For example,  maybe you and the tutor both notice that the student has a hard time focusing late at night; that may mean that you should change what time they go to tutoring.


Whether Online or In-Person Tutoring is Better For Their Child

At Big Apple Tutoring, we have both in-person and online tutoring Manhattan.  Although both are great options, some students work better with one or the other.  The advantage of online tutoring is that students can do it from the comfort of their homes and the tutors can use many online resources to help.  That being said, some students perform better with in-person tutoring.  To better understand which one your child likes more, you can try both options and discuss how your child is doing with the tutor.


As a parent, you want to know how your child is doing in tutoring.  For that reason, Big Apple Tutoring works hard to make sure parents understand what their child is learning.  If you ever have any questions about your child’s progress, don’t hesitate to ask our tutors.

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