3 Ways To Prepare For An Entrance Exam

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Entrance exams! Just those words alone are enough to make any student and parent alike, worry! Entrance exams are taken before admission to some private schools as well as selected colleges and universities. It’s not uncommon for students and parents to be nervous before a big entrance exam, hence why we wrote this article. Here at Big Apple Tutoring, we have earned the reputation of being the best tutoring agency in New York City. Should you be interested in receiving some of the best tutoring Manhattan has to offer, contact Big Apple Tutoring now.

It doesn’t matter why your child is taking an entrance exam, but there are always ways in which they can prepare. Appropriate preparation will almost definitely result in a successful outcome. Here at Big Apple Tutoring, we understand how stressful the entrance exams can be. But we also know that with good encouragement and a little help, entrance exams don’t have to be a bad experience.

Find 3 top tips to help prepare for your entrance exams below:

Seek Help From A Private Tutor

Utilizing the experience of a professional tutor, will encourage your child to feel confident and ready for the exams ahead. They will offer techniques and methods in which to beat stress. All of this whilst learning the relevant content in a clear and concise manner. They will also be able to draw on an immense quantity of resources from previous exams, which will build levels of confidence and understanding amongst your child.

Finding the right tutor for your child is very important! Big Apple Tutoring ensures that you’ll find the most suitable tutor available with our incredible database of expert tutors.

Generally speaking, students’ progress much faster with individual attention. A tutor is the best way to guarantee that one-on-one time. Finally, should your child be struggling with a particular subject or area, a tutor is the easiest and most effective way of getting your child back on the right path. With the help of a private tutor, you don’t have to worry about your next entrance exam nor any exams in the future.

Make A Study Plan

Allowing your child sufficient time to prepare for the exam; will help alleviate any stress immediately. As soon as you have a date for the entrance exam, mark it in your calendar. You should then create an effective study plan with your child. That doesn’t mean that you will dictate to them when they should study, but instead work together and create a schedule that works for you both!

Of course your children shouldn’t have to give up their after-school activities. Instead, just ensure a certain amount of time per week is set-aside for extra studies. Allowing as much study-time as possible before a big exam will help to tackle any problem areas they may have, as well as building self-confidence.

When it comes to entrance exams, a huge amount of preparation time isn’t entirely necessary and depending on the skill-set of your child, three to four times a week should be sufficient. As a parent, you should always ensure that your child has a couple of days off from study to enjoy doing the things they love. This will in-turn help lessen any pressure they may be feeling.

Study Previous Exams & Focus On Areas Of Weakness

As a parent, another important factor to consider is the material that your child needs to review and understand. Consider the subjects and topics that may come up in the exam and help organize your child, by concentrating on the tricky parts first. It’s more beneficial to focus on areas of difficulties first, as this will boost confident in your child.

Reviewing previous exams can also be a fantastic way of preparing your child for the upcoming exam. Previous exams can allow a child to familiarize themselves with the types of questions being asked, how the questions are likely to be worded, the time available to answer each question and the types of answers the examination board will be expecting. This is fantastic preparation for any student, as they will understand better than ever, what the examination board expects.


To conclude, entrance exams can be a very stressful time for most children, but following some of the above tips will ensure a happier child and a smoother preparation process. Here at Big Apple Tutoring we understand that clear planning, with an enthused student, is a brilliant recipe for success. Remember, no matter how your child performs in their exam; praise them for their effort and application.

If they don’t quite gain the grades they were after, there is always next year or the option of a retake! If you or your children are interested in receiving some fantastic tutoring Manhattan, call Big Apple Tutoring today.

Call Big Apple Tutoring now on 1-212-479-0830.

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