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Private Tutor NYC
Are you beginning to doubt you’ll ever understand what on earth your teacher’s talking about? Have you put in the hours all semester but are just not getting the results you feel you deserve? Sometimes all you need is just a bit of additional guidance and that light bulb moment should be just around the corner. Big Apple Tutors Private Tutor NYC program could be the missing link to keep you organized and ready for your final exam.
Over the past 15 years, Big Apple has helped thousands of young minds to achieve their academic goals. All tutors have graduated from the country’s most respected universities, including Columbia, Harvard, Vassar, UCLA, and many others. Every Big Apple Tutoring employee has an immaculate résumé and is also very personable, as a trusting rapport can be an essential factor in a child’s development.

Company founder Daniel C. Levine, who earned a reputation as being one of the most sought after tutors in NYC prior to creating Big Apple, personally selects each tutor, so as to ensure that they not only meet his stringent academic standards, but also to guarantee that every student feels comfortable and enthusiastic about their learning experience. Below is a brief list of some of the services you will enjoy upon registering with Big Apple Tutoring’s Private Tutor NYC services:
- Elementary Education Tutors: For lower school students, we provide board-certified teachers with specializations in beginner reading, phonics, and/or mathematics.
- Middle and Upper School Tutors: Middle school tutors are familiar with virtually every public and private school curriculum in Manhattan. We recognize how varied the material can be at the middle school level. That’s why we treat each of our clients as an individual, meeting whatever their specific needs may be.
- Standardized Test Prep: Each of our tutors has graduated from the most prestigious universities in the country, including Yale, Harvard, Stanford, and UCLA. They are some of highest scoring standardized test takers that the United States has produced. We promise to provide our students with all of the assistance necessary to raise their score to a number that is sufficient to get them into their desired institution, be it for the SAT, ACT, PSAT, GMAT, GRE, ISEE, ELA, or Regents.
- Graduate level tutoring and thesis assistance: Big Apple’s tutors are graduates from the best universities in the United States, giving them the experience necessary to give you the proper guidance so that you can write the best thesis that you are capable of writing.
Contact us today at 212-479-0830 or email us anytime for more information about our Best Tutors NYC program.