Why Should Teachers & Private Tutors Work Together?

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teachers and students together

Teachers are vital to a student’s education and welfare. However, private tutors also play a huge part in the successes of many students. Although the job of a teacher and a tutor vary – a teacher is an individual who carries out education on a daily basis, and a tutor is someone who gives private lessons usually focusing on specific subjects – they share the same responsibility; your child! For a variety of tutoring services NYC, get in touch with Big Apple Tutoring whose dedicated team is driven by results. Below are three accurate and relevant reasons why tutors and teachers should strive to work hand-in-hand.

One-on-One Attention

One standout advantage of private tutors is the amount of tailored and individual attention the student will receive. A student who is being taught in a classroom of more than thirty students simply cannot have the full attention of their teacher. On occasions students are too afraid to ask questions or express their confusion in front of classmates. There are also times when students simply do not have sufficient time to ask questions or need additional time to gain a better understanding. For students like these, a tutor is often the best solution.

Should a tutor have good comprehensive knowledge of the particular curriculum specifically for the year of your child, this can make a substantial difference to your child’s learning and progress. A tutor is able to provide additional support to a student and by working together with an individual’s teacher; they can highlight particular areas to focus on. They can also offer extra guidance as a team focusing to an individual’s specific needs.

Working With The Same Targets

When it comes to your child’s education, supportive parents, a responsible teacher and an efficient tutor, drive your child’s success far more than if they didn’t have this encouragement. All three parties share the same goal; to ensure the child is maximizing their potential at all times.

If the teacher, the parents and the tutor can liaise and figure out a student’s strengths and weaknesses, the teacher and tutor can plan lessons more appropriately. With tailored lessons and regular communication between the three parties, the goals set, will be far easier to reach. A collective effort makes for faster progress with less energy and stress exerted.

Tutors Are Able To Pick-Up Where Teachers Left Off

Teachers are always fighting the clock. In a specific time period they have to cover the entire mandatory curriculum as well as help strattera online pills students facing difficulties. This sometimes leads to only briefly covering some topics.

On the other hand, tutors will have more flexibility with their time meaning a tutor  can dedicate more time to a student and their needs. More often than not, tutors pick-up where teachers leave off allowing them to delve into topics in a much broader scale. If a subject has been covered in the classroom that a student does not completely grasp, a tutor will be able to explain it in further detail. This allows them the necessary time to comprehend everything fully and progress as needed.

Find Your Child A Tutor

Finding a private tutor for your child is the perfect way of ensuring they get ahead. A good tutor will instill confidence as well as building a friendly relationship with your child. Establishing communication between your child’s teacher and tutor is vital. This allows both parties to understand your child’s weaknesses as well as highlighting any areas that need work. This communication leads to a speedier and greater progression rate. It also allows your child to reach their full potential.

Big Apple Tutoring is the leader for matching children to experienced and qualified tutors – Focusing on almost any subject at almost any level. For more information on Big Apple Tutoring’s tutoring services NYC, get in touch with them today.

Call them now on 212-479-0830.

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