Is It Time To Seek A New Tutor?

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Finding the perfect tutor is never an easy task. You want a tutor that connects with your child on a social and academic level, but you also want to ensure they are learning. You also want to ensure you are getting your money’s worth. In some cases you might hire a tutor, but after some time you realize they aren’t doing the right job for your child. With the help of Big Apple Tutoring, below are some signs that suggest it’s time to finish with your tutor. Big Apple Tutoring is a leading tutoring agency based in New York City. They provide academic help across all subjects. If you are interested in home tutoring Manhattan get in touch with Big Apple Tutoring and they will be sure to help!

Below are four signs that suggest you should search for another tutor:

The Tutor Isn’t Approachable

You’ve hired a tutor in the hope of helping your child. Relax, it’s completely normal to want to understand your child’s progress and development. If your tutors responses are delayed or non-existent, then you are not getting the most out of your tutor. More often than not, this means your child won’t be receiving the appropriate attention either.

It’s very important to be actively involved in your child’s tutoring experiences and feedback from a tutor should always be welcomed. Just like a parent-teacher conference, we expect an update on our child’s achievements as well as areas to focus on. The same applies to a tutor.

Student-Tutor Relationship Isn’t Good

This is a very good reason to start searching for an alternative tutor. If your child dreads spending time with their tutor or makes excuses as to why you should cancel you have to question yourself, ‘why is this?’

A good tutor should encourage and motivate your child, build a relationship with them and be enthusiastic about learning. If your child doesn’t get along with the tutor, the tutor will not be able to achieve these goals. At times this isn’t always the tutors fault, but an unhappy child means an unhappy learning environment. Finding a tutor that’s able to connect with your child is a positive foundation to the success of their learning.

The Tutor Isn’t Punctual

It’s not uncommon for tutors to have a hectic schedule and perhaps take on too many students. More often than not, this ends up with tutors arriving late or finishing early to make their next lesson. It’s advisable to enquire about a tutor’s timetable before you hire them. This will allow you to understand what type of tutor they will be and whether they’re right for your child.

A tutor that is constantly late for lessons deprives your child of their full lesson, thus limiting their learning time. Tutors that are late are often disorganized resulting in un-planned and disordered lessons. It’s vital your child receives consistency and has a clear learning routine in place. This is too ensure they are maximizing their full learning potential.

The Tutor Isn’t Engaging

At times, your child will be completing worksheets during their lessons. A good tutor will always spend time reviewing your child’s work and highlighting both positives and negatives. On the other hand, a bad tutor will spend time on their phone rather than motivating your child or insisting on more worksheets be completed.

If a child is expected to be filling out endless worksheets, it’s more than likely they will lose interest and become de-motivated to work. Always remember you are paying a tutor to give your child the necessary attention with the clear goal of learning.  If you notice that any tutor isn’t giving your child the utmost attention, it’s probably time to start looking for a new tutor.

Tutors are not only hired to teach, but to educate as well. They should encourage your child’s academic learning as well as the development of your child as a human being. For New York City’s leading home tutoring Manhattan agency, get in touch with Big Apple Tutoring. Big Apple Tutoring offer experienced and qualified tutors to assist students in all areas of school/college. If you are interested in receiving home tutoring Manhattan get in touch with them today.

Call them now on 1-212-479-0830.

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