Why Do Students Need Tutors?

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Private Tutoring Manhattan

In determining how to most effectively provide the necessary resources to the next generation of scientists, engineers, artists, and writers, let us take a moment to examine the skeleton of our education system. In order to do so effectively, we must consider a number of important questions. Firstly, what is the purpose that we expect our teachers to serve in this system? Secondly, what is the role we expect the students to play? And finally, what is it that we, the tutors, can do to make this system function more cohesively?

A Teacher’s Role: Providing Building Blocks

Above all, we expect teachers to provide a structure that will allow the students to learn valuable information. We also task them with teaching our children how to think. We want our kids to develop skills that they can use later in life. But when it’s all said and done, the teacher can do little more than provide the building blocks. It is up to the students to not only learn the material, but to apply it in such a way that demonstrates their understanding to the teacher. And they must do so while staying within the framework that the teacher has created for the class.

A Student’s Challenge: The Will To Build Within A Framework

A student may have thoroughly read the book for his or her literature class from front to back but fails to understand its meaning as the class curriculum intends. Similarly, a student may attend every math class and take thorough notes, but if he or she cannot demonstrate his or her understanding in the final exam, then an impressive attendance record suddenly becomes less important. For many students, these technicalities are the greatest challenges that they endure in the academic world.

How To Give Students The Resources They Need

Despite having put in the time and effort in the classroom, students may still lack enough of an understanding on a class’ material in order to apply it effectively. This is why the powers that be have incorporated homework into the common core framework. But sometimes, simply assigning more work outside of the classroom simply isn’t enough. If a student lacks the understanding in class, it is unlikely for the student to suddenly grasp a concept on his or her own time. That is, unless the student has access to resources that can help him or her further explore the material.

Our Role As Tutors

It is for the reasons described above that tutors are so valuable in today’s society. Tutors are like the glue that allows students to make use of the building blocks that their teachers have made available to them. We provide alternative approaches and strategies to solving problems. We find explanations and methodologies that are more conducive to the individual students’ personal and academic development. And we take pride in the diversity and expansiveness of these methodologies. And in the end, we have found, time and time again, that students who take the extra steps of working with a private tutor have enjoyed greater success than if they had tried to take on the various obstacles of lower, middle, and upper school on their own.

Do you want to learn more about Big Apple Tutoring’s diverse and all-inclusive private tutoring Manhattan services? Give us a call today at 212-479-0830.

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