Tips For Teaching ESL Students- Private Tutor NYC

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Private Tutor NYC

Learning a second language is a very difficult task to do.  That being said, there are many students that participate in the ESL program, which stands for English as a Second Language.  Not only are they learning english, but they’re learning in english, which is why it’s very different from teaching native speakers.  If you’re a teacher, tutor, or parent that’s seeking advice on how to help your children during this process, here are some tips.


Include Hands-On Activities

Children absorb ideas and lessons better when they are directly involved.  That’s why it’s important to get them out of their chairs and play educational games.  This will help them to learn, and also encourage them to actually enjoy learning.


Group and Individual Interaction

There will be days when you need to talk more than others, especially if it involves complicated topics.  That being said, students get bored if they have to sit and listen the entire time.  Instead, try to explain the information and then create activities that encourage interaction.  This is important because they’ll have the opportunity to practice more.  Sometimes you can have groups of students working together, and other times you can give individual attention.


Don’t Forget to Review

Try to do quick reviews at the beginning and end of each lesson.  This way, they’ll be refreshed on what they learned the day before.  Since they’ll be learning so many different topics, this will help the information “stick” in their head.


Encourage Them to Make Corrections

Self-correction is an important part of learning, especially when it’s in a new language.  That’s why it’s important to correct them in a non-judgemental way, which can also motivate them to ask how they’re doing.


Recommend a Private Tutor NYC

Group learning is a great way to interact with others, but sometimes students need individual attention on the areas that they’re struggling in.  That’s why you should encourage your students, or children, to go to a tutor as well.  These tutors can answer any of their questions, assist with pronunciation, and focus on any other area that they need help with.


Whether you’re a teacher or a parent of a student who’s learning in their second language, try to follow these tips to help them.  If your children need individual lessons, consider a private tutor NYC.

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