Tutor or Very Good Tutor?

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With a vision of providing students the very best tutors, Big Apple Tutoring is attempting to connect your child with one of their own, exceptional tutors in the New York City area. With more than fifteen years of experience, Big Apple Tutoring has earned the reputation of being amongst the best tutors in NYC and let´s find out why!

With education and academia being as important as ever, the search to gain the advantage has broadened. Whether you look to the web, download apps or prefer the more conventional 1-on-1 method, the level of competitiveness amongst tutors and tutoring organisations is on the rise. Big Apple Tutoring feels it has the upper hand.

Big Apples Tutoring model was founded by many individual experiences regarding what both students and tutors wanted. With tutoring being a common part of life – group and one-on-one tutoring – Big Apple understood the criticality of good tutoring.

What is this criticality? A cab driver can get you from point A to B with little differentiation, but a better tutor can mean better marks, the critical difference between average, good and outstanding. Students and parents realize this and want the best tutor for their particular needs.

All tutors that come through Big Apple Tutoring are hand-picked and can boast an impeccable resume, accompanied by outstanding references. This alone, still isn’t enough as proven experience is a must along with a recommendation outlining the particular tutor is a “cut above the rest”. Once this information is submitted, Big Apple Tutoring will review them in the finest detail, before they are welcomed to the team – a super competitive industry.

Parents and students want not just a tutor but a very good tutor. To find excellent tutors they rely on word-of-mouth, recommendations and referrals from people they trust. This is where Big Apple Tutoring boasts a level of satisfaction, higher than the rest, as our students continuously return, as well as inviting friends and peers along with them. Word-of-mouth spreads across New York like wildfire, much to the advantage of Big Apple.

Looking to the future, tutoring in NYC and throughout the world, is an industry that will continue to grow. While the education system is facing continuous cuts, the private tutoring sector is growing rapidly.

Big Apple Tutoring doesn´t suffer from tight budgets, overcrowded classrooms or low teacher pay and therefore the people will continue to come. Should you be interested in tutoring or home-schooling in NYC, then get in touch with Big Apple Tutoring and let them prove to you how great their tutors are!

Phone: 1-212-479-0830

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